Rider's comments

Here is a small selection of comments we've received from guests who've stayed with us at HorseridingSpain. Just click on a button read more and it will show the full riders comment.

"... I feel compelled to write and thank you for the truly wonderful riding holiday I had. As I am sure you can understand, taking a 'busman's' holiday whilst working for an equine charity ( manager of ILPH Norfolk centre / World Horse Welfare ) put extra pressure on me to find a good riding holiday where the welfare of the horses was of paramount importance. Your centre excelled on both counts !

You both have a love and passion for horses in general, and Andalucians in particular, which is infectious. To see so many extremely fit, sound, strong and well shod horses was a breath of fresh air. I know how hard it is to get horses looking and feeling like this so you must take a huge amount of credit for presenting your guests with horses of this calibre.

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The riding frequently took my breath away. I would just think I had seen the best view in Spain and we would turn a corner and see another equally as stunning. The Andalucian Horse Show had me in tears in 30 seconds ! Beautiful. Your hospitality and attention to detail was exemplary and you made us all feel very welcome and special. It was a privilege to ride such happy, contented and responsive horses. You really do deliver all your web site says, and more. Your riding holiday exceeded all my wildest dreams and I will be one of your many returners. Please keep up the good work !"

and her most recent comment after returning to us for the 7th time :

"Even though I have just completed my 7th riding holiday with yourselves (which is testimony to your horses and hospitality in itself!), I just want to thank you both so much for making my various friends so very welcome.

Over the past 6 years I have brought along five different friends and recommended at least another four to visit you. Each and every one has been wowed by your horses, the riding and your hospitality. As you know, several have already returned without me! I always feel totally confident that any one I recommend to visit you will have an amazing time and this has always been the case.

I don't know how you manage to keep your horses so happy, responsive, sound and well in what is a tough line of work for horses at the best of times. Testimony to your great depth of knowledge, love and understanding of horses I feel...........

As always, I am fitter and riding better as a result of my holiday with you last week. It is so nice to be reminded how light and surefooted a horse can be......

Take care and keep up the good work !

Michele and friends."

Rider's comments - 2022

via Facebook "Horses, fodd, accommodation and hospitality: top! Thanks for such a nice week !"

via Facebook in Dutch: "Overheerlijke connectie met paard en natuur. De zuidelijke winter temperaturen die je een glimlach geeft :-) Miranda & Giles, dank jullie wel voor deze prachtige ervaring...kus aan Gitana"
via Facebook in English "Beautiful connection with horse and nature. The southern winter temperatures which will make you smile:-) Miranda & Giles, thank you very much for this beautiful experience...kiss for Gitana"

Via Google in Dutch: "We hebben een top week gehad bij hele lieve en gastvrije mensen, Miranda en Giles ! Veel verschillende mooie routes gereden op hele fijne en betrouwbare paarden. Na de tocht staat er een heerlijke maaltijd voor je klaar, waarvan je proeft dat die met liefde is gemaakt door Cati. Daarna nog alle tijd om je dag te besteden zoals je zelf fijn vindt, zoals bijvoorbeeld relaxen bij het zwembad. Ook een aanrader is om de stad Málaga te bezoeken. Kortom een vakantie met volop luxe en fantastische paardrijtochten !!! Bedankt voor alles !"

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in English: >"We enjoyed a top week with very kind and hospitable people, Miranda and Giles ! We have explored many different and beautiful routes on great and dependable horses. After the ride a tasty meal is waiting for you and you can taste that it was prepared with love by Cati. After that there is still time to spend your day as you wish, for example lounging by the pool. It is also highly recommendable to visit Málaga. So in short a holiday filled with luxury and fantastic rides !!! Thank you for everything !"

Via email in Finnish: "Olen juuri palannut aivan ihanalta ratsastusmatkalta Andalusiasta ja olen niin kiitollinen! Tämän pitkäaikaisen haaveen toteutuminen oli aivan upea juttu! Olin pitkään seurannut Horse Riding Spainin sivuja ja vakuuttunut siitä, että tämä on hyvä paikka. Ja totta olikin joka sana - matka täytti ja ylitti kaikki odotukset. Korona-tilanne laittoi miettimään, onko nyt hyvä aika matkustaa, ja lentomatka itseäkin suojaavassa maskissa oli raskas, mutta perillä matkan vaivat unohtuivat saman tien ja elelimme tilalla turvallisesti, vähän kuin omassa kuplassamme. Matkustin mieheni kanssa, joka ei ratsasta. Meidät otettiin lämpimästi vastaan, Giles huumorin pilke silmäkulmassa ja Miranda käytännöllisellä ja lämpimällä huomaavaisuudella, jotka saivat meidät tuntemaan olevamme ”erityisiä”. Iloiselle kokille Katielle myös erityiskiitos upeista ja herkullisista aterioista. Nautimme kauniista asunnostamme ja ympäristöstä täysin siemauksin. On hauska olla keskellä maatilan arkea, eläimiä, linnunlaulua, nähdä kengittäjän käynnit ja heinäpaalien kuljetukset. Tila sijaitsee joen varressa, laaksossa omassa keitaassaan ja rauhassaan, mutta lähikaupunkiin on vain viiden minuutin kävely jyrkkään ylämäkeen. Sain ratsukseni kauniin andalusialaisen Embrujadan ja tutustuttuani siihen, ajattelin että se on minulle juuri sopiva, ”right match”. Retket olivat keskimäärin neljän tunnin pituisia, puolivälissä pieni hengähdystauko ompun ja juomisen kera. Joka päivä reitti oli erilainen: kyläteitä, vuoristoa, maaseutua, hedelmätarhoja, jokilaaksoa. Käynti on pääaskellaji, maaperä on kova ja mäkinen, mutta aina tilaisuuden tullen otettiin pätkä ravia ja laukkaa. ”Let’s have a little bit of trrrrot, and canter!” Ratsastuksen lomassa oli kiva kuunnella Mirandan ja Gilesin juttuja paikallisista tavoista, kasvillisuudesta, maaseutuelämästä. Ja kaikki se kauneus ympärillä!!! Hevoset olivat erittäin varmajalkaisia, hyvin käyttäytyviä ja hoitivat työnsä ”ammattitaidolla” <3 Jos ensimmäisenä päivänä tuntuikin hieman jännittävältä tulla aivan uuteen paikkaan, niin ”kotiutuminen” tapahtui nopeasti ja loman lähestyessä loppuaan ei olisi halunnut lähteä keitaalta, erota uusista ystävistä, isäntäväestä, hollantilaisista ratsastuskavereista ja hevosista. Kotona oli kuitenkin kiva huomata, suostuttuaan taas palaamaan arkeen, että matkasta sai kunnon annoksen uutta energiaa ja uudet haaveet saivat taas siivet alleen, ehkä jonain vuonna jälleen, sitten jo tutusti ja ystävien keskelle J Virpi Havi, Jämijärvi Myös ei-ratsastajalle hyvä paikka olla. Kaupungilla ihan vieressä voi viettää aikaa, kun matkakumppani on ratsastusvaelluksella. Ruoka on aivan täydellisen hyvää ja henkilökunta palvelee ilolla. Heikki Havi, Jämijärvi"

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in English: >"I have just returned from a lovely riding holiday in Andalusia and I’m so grateful! Realizing this long time dream was a great! I had followed Horse Riding Spain social media for years and I was sure it would be a good place to visit. Every word turned out to be true – I was not disappointed. The covid19-situation made me worry if it’s good time to travel now and the flight was annoying with FFP3-mask, but when we came to the farm, I forgot everything right away. On the farm we could be safe and live like in an own bubble. I was travelling with my husband, he doesn’t ride. We were warmly welcome, Giles with humor and Miranda with practical and warm consideration, they made us feel like “special guests”. Special thanks to our lovely cook Katie for the wonderful meals. We enjoyed our beautiful accommodation and the surroundings. It was fun to live in the middle of farm life, listen to birds and animals, see the farrier visiting and hay bales being brought to the farm. The farm is situated in a valley, it’s like an oasis, so peaceful, but the town is still just five minute walk away uphill. My horse was a beautiful Andalusian mare, called "Embrujada" and when I got to know her, I thought she was just a right match for me. The rides were four hours long and there was a small break with an apple and water to drink halfway through. The route was different every day: country lanes, mountain area, countryside, orchards and river valleys. Mainly we walked/gait – the terrain is hard and hilly – but when it was the time, we heard: ”Let’s have a little bit of trrrrot, and canter!” It was nice to listen to Miranda and Giles telling us about local customs, country life, vegetation and so on. And all the beautiful scenery surrounding us!!! The horses were very surefooted, well behaved, sweet and professional <3 On the first day I was a bit excited/scared?? to come to a new place, but soon it became ‘a home away from home’ and when the holiday came to an end, we didn’t want to leave this oasis and our new friends. At home it was nice to notice that I got a great amount of new energy of the trip! And I have started to dream again – maybe another year – now to a familiar place with friends J Virpi It is a good place to a non-rider too. You can spend time in the town when your fellow traveler is riding. The meals are perfectly delicus and the staff is serving with joy. Heikki (non-rider)"
Rider's comments - 2022  Rider's comments - 2021  Rider's comments - 2020  Rider's comments - 2019  Rider's comments - 2018  Rider's comments - 2017  Rider's comments - 2016  Rider's comments - 2015  Rider's comments - 2014  Rider's comments - 2005 - 2013